Pollington Parish Council

The Pollington Parish Council is a pro-active organisation focussed on achieving the highest quality of life possible for all of
Pollington villagers.

People of the parish are invited to attend and positively communicate their comments to the Parish Council.  See the Village Notice Board, found on the Home Page, for the next monthly meeting date (held in the Parish Rooms, Wednesdays @ 19:00) and Annual meeting (held in the Parish Rooms or Village Hall, each May @ 19:30).

Click here for updates also available within the Pollington Parish Council Facebook page.

For further information on Parish Council matters, contact the Parish Council Clerk (details below).

Your Parish Councillors are:

Parish Council Chairperson: Ken Wilson (telephone 07732 732400)

Parish Council Clerk: Paul Hodgson (telephone 01405 860485, e-mail hogbad@aol.com)

Parish Councillor/Vice Chairperson: Tom Bayston (telephone 07836 610945)

Parish Councillor: Geoff Cook (telephone 07472 747715)

Parish Councillor: Ebony Tate (telephone 07854 338624)

Parish Councillor: Kyle Austin (telephone 07425 262883)

Various Information:

Pollington Parish Council’s Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2022-23.

Click here for the monthly meeting minutes from 7 February 2024.

Click here for the Annual meeting from 25 May 2022. 

Click here to see the Newsletter 2024.

Click here for the 2023 Emergency Plan Survey template.