
Bus Services

There are 2 bus services for Pollington. 

Information and timetables can be found here.

Number 486 to Selby comes on Mondays and Fridays & Bank Holidays around 10am, and leaves Selby bus-station before 1pm for the return journey.

Number 488 to Goole comes on Wednesdays at around 10.20am, and leaves from opposite the Methodist Church in North Street, Goole, at 1pm for the return.


Trains (from Snaith)

Northern Rail train 32 passes through Snaith on its way from Leeds to Goole.  

The route includes Leeds, Woodlesford, Castleford, Glasshoughton, Pontefract (Tanshelf), Knottingley, Whitley Bridge, Hensall, Snaith, Rawcliffe & Goole.

Booking can be achieved here.