Yorkshire Countrywomen's Association
Pollington established its Yorkshire Countrywomen’s Association during 1973, of which is just one of many branches throughout Yorkshire.
Click here for the main web site.
Click here for our Facebook page.
Pollington branch is a group of around 30 members and welcomes new members at all times from Pollington and surrounding villages. Our members enjoy the friendly atmosphere at meetings and events. We try to make the group as enjoyable as possible by covering a wide range of activities.
Details of our monthly activities, all held in Pollington Village Hall, are as follows:
· Monthly Meeting on the 1st Tuesday of the month (unless otherwise stated) starting at 7.30pm. At our meetings we have guest speakers on various subjects. Membership £20 per year £3 per meeting. Visitors always welcome £5 per meeting
· Coffee Morning on the 2nd Thursday. 10.30am – 12 noon. A social gathering giving members and visitors a chance to meet friends and enjoy a chat a cup of coffee and a bacon sandwich
· Cake & Craft on the 3rd Tuesday starting at 2.00pm. Each month we do a different craft and people attending are provided with materials to complete the project of the day. We also enjoy cake. Cost £5 per person – we do ask that you contact if you are attending so we can make sure we have enough materials and CAKE
· Outings to theatres, restaurants & a variety of interesting places
· Various fundraising events for charities
Contact us for more information about Pollington Y.C.A.:
Chairperson: Leila Scruton (telephone 01405 785687)
Secretary: Christine Towers (telephone 01405 860185)