Pollington Bowls Club
Pollington Bowls Club, located at the west end of the Village Hall car park, welcomes everyone and new members. You can bring friends, family or anyone who fancies a fun day out trying their hand at bowling, or just come for a cuppa and a natter. Any food, sandwiches etc are gratefully received. Raffles are held where prizes allow and so donations always gratefully received. We are a small club by comparison to others but take pride in being friendly and welcoming to all.
We encourage people to join us on our Facebook page here.
Pollington Bowls Club are a member of the Goole & District Bowling Association enjoying local and friendly, but competitive, games against teams.
Bowls truly is the sport for all. It can be played by all ages, abilities, and genders, making it the perfect sport for the family.
The club will provide all the equipment you need to try the sport of bowls. All you need to do is come along and join in either as a family, group or individual.
Green usually open from May until August.
Annual Subscription for membership £20
Members pay £2 each time they play, guests £3
Playing in the Goole and District Bowling Association:
3 Midweek teams (3 pairs in each team) and 3 Friday 5’s teams (4 in each team)
Pollington Bowls Club Fun Day:
The first Fun Day of 2024 is to be held on Sunday 28th April 2024, subject to suitable weather.
Entry fee is only £2 for each participant
Start Time is 2pm, so please arrive at about 1.45pm
Please contact Mr. Paul Hodgson at 01405 860485 or email: hogbad@aol.com