Village Hall

Details are published on the notice board outside the Hall for forthcoming events and on Facebook

2024 Village Hall activities seen here.

The Hall is used generally for fund-raising events and private parties, and various regular group activities, including Pollington Country Womens’ Association, Pollington Rainbows, and local Brownies and Guides.  

We have a group of enthusiastic people on the committee who have managed some financial stability, and are looking forward to updating the premises in the future to make it a more pleasant and practical environment for everyone to use. It is an ideal venue for functions and we are now able to put a package together to provide food and a bar to suit all occasions.




As members of our village, we would urge you to use this
facility for parties, meetings, a fund raising venue and a place of
entertainment for all ages.

The cost of hire is:

Users, £8.00 per hour

Regular Users, £10.00 per hour (Before 7.00pm)

Non Regular Users, £12.00 per
hour (After 7.00pm)

Catering and a Bar can be
arranged if required.

A deposit is required for
private parties to cover any damage or additional cleaning requirements.

Please call, or text, Alison Haggar on 07922731329 for booking

defibrillator is installed on the front wall of the Village
Hall.  To access it, ring 999 and request the ambulance service,
who will then provide the number required to open the cabinet. 
here for AED

The installation of
the play equipment, next to the Village Hall, is there for
all children to enjoy: